Birthday Letters

Birthday Letter to Mother


Leona John

12 Aspen High Road,

York Shire 6789

United Kingdom.

Dearest Mother,

Your loving son would like to wish you Happy Birthday and many happy returns of the day.

Your birthdays remind me of all the years of love and care that you given to me since I was born. I know that you made a number of sacrifices for my happiness and worked hard so that I can live a comfortable life.  I still remember the day when you would always be there whenever I was in distress and held me tightly making me feel that I am not alone. I am really blessed to have a mother like you in my life.

I wish that you get to celebrate one hundred more such birthdays. I also wish for your good health so that you are always there for me whenever I feel weak and give me strength.

Your loving son,

Robin John.

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